Having completed a time and motion study (well I kept a log of how long it took me!) and found if I made two at a time I saved two hours, I'm now making five all in one go! Not sure if the time saving will multiply, but I quite like working each one up to the same point. It keeps you focused! Come back when I've hand sewn the 10 leather handles in place and see if I feel the same!!
I've been asked to make more exclusive Henry Moore fabric bags, as the Henry Moore Foundation are selling out! All different, of course, so once again I relish the challenge of finding just the right combinations of fabrics and haberdashery! Here's one I made earlier!
Picture features 'Safety Pins' fabric image reproduced by permission of the Henry Moore Foundation. I can't resist a challenge and my bro'-in-law needed a man-bag! His beloved camouflage shorts really were past it but those lovely pockets deserved a new life! So I turned this... into this.... And if you look carefully you can see that the seemingly random camo patterns are actually roses! There is beauty in the most unexpected places-you just have to look for it!
William Morris's beautiful floral designs are as fresh and contemporary as they were in the 1880's.
I am very pleased to say that I had a most positive response from the William Morris Gallery who have ordered twenty bespoke items as a Christmas range. I already have a couple of fabric pieces to start on - so to work - no time to shirk - I need to make something useful and beautiful by late November! Well, here at last, we have the completed handbags! The team at The Henry Moore Foundation put a lot of careful thought into the combinations of fabrics and haberdashery they chose from my selection. I took two sample bags with that boho striped top and the sooo smart tweedy top, lots of different fabric top bands, four colours of leather handle and the lovely vintage buttons I recently acquired for this project. Lots of mixing and matching ensued until a consensus was reached and these five designs were chosen. Which is your favourite? Pictures feature Henry Moore 'Heads' and 'Safety Pins' fabrics and are reproduced by permission of the Henry Moore Foundation. |
Hello, I'm Ruth Overton. My nickname as a child was 'Ruthie Toots' which is how the name Archives
February 2025